(Autonomous) Madurai
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1. UGC sponsored One-day State Level Seminar on "BIO DIVERSITY " Organised By : Department of BOTANY Date : 12th October 2010
2. Placement portal webpage can be viewed by clicking PLACEMENT In QUICKLINKS.
3.From the academic year 2010-11, the College offers M.Phil programs in Economics and Mathematics.

4. The National Assessment & Accreditation Council has re-accredited the College with 'A' grade with a CGPA of 3.32 out of 4.00

The Madura College

Vidhya Nagar
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Lead me from the Unreal to the Real
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
- The Upanishad

UGC sponsored One-day State Level Seminar on "BIO DIVERSITY " -Organised by the Dept.. of Botany - Date: 12th october 2010

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Department of English

Objectives & Mission:

  1. To equip the students with the basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.
  2. To help the students to learn the language in such a way that they can handle it practically, with ease and enjoyment.
  3. To help the students to gain mastery over the language and its literature so that their learning would be an influence on their personal life and on the subjects of their professional undertakings.
  4. To sensitize the students to the use of language for realizing the finer values of life.

Courses Offered:

This Department, which is as old as the college itself has held its own throughout the history of the Institution. Since the advent of autonomy in 1978, it has made experiments with the curriculum at all levels. It offers instruction in English under part II for the Undergraduate classes, and also runs a Post-graduate course in English Literature ; in addition , the M.Phil., Course in English Literature is offered from the academic year 1989-90.

Course Highlights:

The instruction in part II for the UG courses pays attention to Grammar, formal writing, and creative writing in an effort to give the students practical competence in the use of all language skills and also something to engage and widen their sympathies. It is a course designed to help students face the competitive examinations for careers and also to provide them with a system of values.
At the Post-graduate level, there are papers of high literary content and literary training and also papers of professional interest. Papers such a Research Methodology, Journalism, English Language Teaching, and Commonwealth Literature and Advanced Literary Criticism, Regional Indian Literatures in Translation, Women's Writing, etc, give students an introduction to subjects that they would have to tackle in higher courses. These also help them to face successfully competitive tests like NET and SLET. The project work helps the students to put to use the knowledge of Research Methodology they have gathered in the Methodology paper.

Research Programme:

The M.Phil. Course in English Literature offers papers on recent literature and literary criticism, both theory and practice. The project work can be on any author/aspect of British, American, Commonwealth or Indian writing, or any aspect of ELT or Linguistics.


There is a Language Laboratory which helps students of the Post-graduate and M.Phil. Students and also under-graduate students to hone their skills in phonetics and other such aspects of English.

Certificate Courses:

Certificate Courses in

1) Spoken English

2) Written Communication: Formal, Informal Correspondence,  Essay Writing, Project Report

3) Business English are being conducted from the year 2001 onwards.
 “Centre for Promotion of Ethics and Human Values”
The UGC has sanctioned a sum of Rs 1.4 lakhs in March 2008 for the establishment of a “Centre for Promotion of Ethics and Human Values” for the College and the Centre is run by the Department of English. The department has started conducting a Certificate Course in Ethics and Values from September

Other Activities:

Lectures by eminent teachers of literature from University and other colleges, arranged with sponsorship and assistance of the University Grants Commission, provide students exposure to different aspects of English literature and English language teaching.
It has been helping schools in the city to train their teachers in Spoken English and in teaching English.It has also worked with subject teachers in order to help them improve their communication skills.
I t is also helping professional institutions offering Bridge Courses and Communication Courses in English.


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